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首页 > 供应产品 > CIRS 011A乳腺模体
CIRS 011A乳腺模体
品牌: 美国CIRS
尺寸: 220mm×151mm
重量: 4.9千克
保修期: 1年
单价: 100.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 1000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2025-01-16 09:28

CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体详细介绍:

CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体描述
CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体是美国癌症学会和放射学院推荐乳腺机成像质量评价模型


CIRS 011A乳腺模体经过验证的模拟技术可以使组织等效,逼真的模型用于乳腺摄影质量保证。



CIRS 011A乳腺模体包含旨在测试新一代乳房X光机的阈值的目标。4.5厘米厚,并模拟平均腺体组织成分。


CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体
CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体

CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体
CIRS 011A乳腺模体,CIRS 011A乳腺X射线组织等效模体技术参数:
1. 线对细节 1) 20 lp/mm 2组 水平方向与垂直方向布局

2. 碳酸钙病灶点 2) 0.13 3)0.165 4)0.196 5)0.23 6)0.275 7)0.4 8)0.23 9)0.196 10)0.165 11)0.23 12)0.196 13)0.165

3. 阶梯楔形块(1cm) 14)100%腺体组织 15)70%腺体组织 16) 50%腺体组织 17) 30%腺体组织 18)100%脂肪组织

4. 尼龙纤维 19)1.25mm 20)0.83mm 21)0.71mm 22)0.53mm 23)0.3mm

5. 半球形团块(75%腺体,25%脂肪) 24)厚度4.76mm 25) 厚度3.16mm 26)厚度2.38mm 27)厚度1.98mm 28)厚度1.59mm 29)厚度1.19mm 30)厚度0.9mm

6. 光密度 31)参照区

7. 线束边界 32)定位细节


A Refined Quality Assurance Tool for Today's Advanced Imaging Systems.

Proven simulation technology enables the use of tissue-equivalent, realistically-shaped phantoms for mammographic quality assurance.

Resin material mimics the photon attenuation coefficients of a range of breast tissues. Average elemental composition of the human breast being mimicked is based on the individual elemental composition of adipose and glandular tissue reported by Hammerstein.

Attenuation coefficients are calculated by using the "mixture rule" and the Photon Mass Attenuation and Energy Absorption Coefficient Table of J.H. Hubbell.

Contains targets that are engineered to test the threshold of the new generation of mammography machines. 4.5 cm thick and simulates an average glandular tissue composition.

Designed to test the performance of any mammographic system. Objects within the phantom simulate calcifications, fibrous calcifications in ducts and tumor masses. Test objects within the phantom range in size from those that should be visible on any system to objects that will be difficult to resolve on the best mammographic systems.